Category: 3D models

  • Telheiro Uncorformity

    This site is internationally known for a well exposed angular unconformity between Upper Carboniferous metamorphic rocks and Upper Triassic metasedimentary rocks. This site is representative of four geological frameworks that supports the Portuguese inventory of geological heritage with national and international scientific value. It is also recognized for its scenic value created by the occurrence…

  • Thalassinoides ichnofossil

    Thalassinoids are ichnofossils with shapes such as galleries and tunnels primarily in marine sedimentary environments, often made by Thalassinidea decapod crustaceans. Other creators include true shrimps, prawns, lobsters, mud shrimps, polychaete worms known for branching burrows, insect larvae like beetles in coastal areas, and fish such as rays and pleuronectiforms (e.g., plaice) that exhibit similar…